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Parenting Beyond Your Upbringing
Parenting Beyond Your Upbringing Online Course Introduction (6:57)
Module 1: Know Your Destination
Module 1 Introduction (8:59)
Vision & Goals Worksheet
The Way God Intended Home to Be
Definition of Love
Growing Fruit
Creating Stability
Module 2: Going Back to Move Forward
Module 2 Intro (8:18)
Going Back to Move Forward
Did You Feel Approval?
Were You Nurtured?
Were You Encouraged?
Did You Feel Stable?
Were You Valued?
Module 3: Breaking the Patterns
Breaking the Pattern (19:33)
Lies & Strongholds
Coping Mechanisms
Rejection & Abandonment
Roots of Bitterness & Judgments
Module 4: Gain POWER Over Your Past
"P" - Pinpoint the Problem (5:27)
"O" - Overcome vs Staying a Victim (7:05)
"W" - Walk in Forgiveness (4:38)
"E" - Embrace New Thinking (7:40)
"R" - Release, Repent, & Resist (13:40)
Module 5: Understanding Our Children
Approval, Acceptance & Warning Signs (17:22)
Stability in the Home
Module 6: Spending Time Together
Spending Time Together (8:15)
Attention & Ways To Give It
Daily Devtionals
Nurturing & Ways To Nurture
Module 7: Finding the Treasures
Module 7 Introduction (7:25)
Module 8: Training Up Our Children
Train Up Our Children (7:12)
Instruct with Scripture
Children Learn From Our Example
Ask God For Wisdom & Attitudes
The Value of Responsibilities
Building Blocks for Development- 1st Stage (5:58)
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
4th Stage
5th Stage
Praying For Our Children
Praying For Our Children (1:13)
Rejection & Abandonment
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